Driving with certified copy of Learner's License


Active Member
Jul 2, 2011
:DI got my learner's license on the 23rd of December and everything has been going smooth except for one obstacle... Carrying that A4 paper around!:crying:

I often have to switch between driving my car, my brother's car, my mom's car and my dad's car which often means that I left the License in one car when I wanna drive the other.

So can I make copies of the License, certify them at the nearest police station and place a copy in the cubby holes of all 4 cars or is there a law prohibiting me doing so?:confused:
Best ask your local traffic department as they are the ones that are going to make your life tough if you dont
Whenever I have a problem like this, I just say my passport (whichever document) is with my lawyer. They usually buy it...or take the 50...
Should be ok, but keep a 50 in the ashtray just in case...
:D:D:D:D I love how you think

Best ask your local traffic department as they are the ones that are going to make your life tough if you dont
Funny enough the lady at the traffic department had no idea, she replied with the typical "Heh, eish!, Let me ask this other guy"... Waited 30mins for her to come back before I left the place.

They don't accept certified copies or whatever.

They will insist on the original.
:mad: Flip!!!!!

So are there any ways that you guys can recommend to keep it portable... I though of folding it and placing it in my wallet but then it might end up tearing after a few months.
Whenever I have a problem like this, I just say my passport (whichever document) is with my lawyer. They usually buy it...or take the 50...
LOL...Maybe it works in the surburbs... I live in the hood! The R50 option sounds good though.
LOL...Maybe it works in the surburbs... I live in the hood! The R50 option sounds good though.

Lol! Oh well. Best you can do is give it a try right? Worst that can happen is they give you a fine?
Geez, come on, how much trouble can it be to just carry the original around with you, whatever car you happen to be driving? They definitely will not accept a certified copy, it's just too easy to fake.
Lol! Oh well. Best you can do is give it a try right? Worst that can happen is they give you a fine?
Yep, a R2000 fine... Oh and R500 fine for the owner of the car plus the car get's impounded.
Geez, come on, how much trouble can it be to just carry the original around with you, .
:sick: It lacks the convenience of easy portability...
Err just fold it and put it in ur wallet, you will most likely never even need o take it out so it won't break, the only to e you will take it out is to show your mates!
Colour photo-copy, or scan and print, anyone? If you do a decent job on the copy, they won't even be able to tell if its real or copied. Perhaps have it certified as well, just in case... ;-)
Yep, a R2000 fine... Oh and R500 fine for the owner of the car plus the car get's impounded.

:sick: It lacks the convenience of easy portability...

That much? If I remember correctly, I left my license at home one day and the fine was only 500 for driving without a license?
You shouldn't be driving with only a learner's license in any case, except with someone in the car that has a valid driver's license of the same code. Didn't you learn that studying for learner's test??:whistling:
There's nothing illegal about driving around with an original certified copy, i.e. a copy that was stamped and signed by an appropriate authority. Just don't make a copy of a certified copy...unless you will have that certified aswell, but it becomes a bit redundant at this point :) I have driven around with copiues of my licences for ages, and I have never had any issues with them.

Make a copy of both sides of the card and, if you can, perhaps have a copy of your ID on the same page and have it certified.

People foget that the card itself is just that, a card. It isn't your licence, it is simply a token proving that you are licenced and under what conditions. When you are stopped and asked for your licence, you are simply required to provide proof of your licence, and as for a certified copy, it is as good as the real thing.

For the sake of it, touch base with your local traffic department of cop shop and ask them, but like I said, I haven't had any issues with certified copies of my driver's licence, firearm licences, or ID book.
You're kidding yourself if you think ANY policeman or traffic official is going to accept a certified copy of any document. But go ahead and find out the hard way.
You're kidding yourself if you think ANY policeman or traffic official is going to accept a certified copy of any document. But go ahead and find out the hard way.

Why not? What is the point of certifying anything if you can not use it. I beg to differ. Use copies all the time.
That much? If I remember correctly, I left my license at home one day and the fine was only 500 for driving without a license?

You have 30 days within which you can provide your license to [the correct person] to have the fine withdrawn.
You shouldn't be driving with only a learner's license in any case, except with someone in the car that has a valid driver's license of the same code. Didn't you learn that studying for learner's test??:whistling:
Jumping to conclusion now aren't we? Who said anything about me driving without a licensed individual by my side?

Colour photo-copy, or scan and print, anyone? If you do a decent job on the copy, they won't even be able to tell if its real or copied. Perhaps have it certified as well, just in case... ;-)
Hmmmm! Sounds like an awesome plan...

Err just fold it and put it in ur wallet, you will most likely never even need o take it out so it won't break, the only to e you will take it out is to show your mates!

Why not? What is the point of certifying anything if you can not use it. I beg to differ. Use copies all the time.
My sentiments exactly...