Telkom starts to sell music online

Format: WMA
DRM: YES - Microsoft Digital Rights Framework
iPod compatible: NO, Smart move - exclude the number one selling mp3 player :rolleyes:
So R10 per song, roughly 18 songs on a CD. R180 per cd and you don't get an actual CD. Chances are you'll probably be arrested if you write the songs to CD and listen to it in your car.

Another Telkom offering I'd gladly give a miss.
So R10 per song, roughly 18 songs on a CD. R180 per cd and you don't get an actual CD. Chances are you'll probably be arrested if you write the songs to CD and listen to it in your car.

Another Telkom offering I'd gladly give a miss.
WHAT?? R10 a track? I can buy almost 2 full CD's from with that!
WHAT?? R10 a track? I can buy almost 2 full CD's from with that!

Why bother paying anything for the music you get off of those Russian sites?

As for telkom's offering, it sure looks like a loser anyway. Typically South African, late to market and then pathetically behind the times.
There will come a time when Telkom will realise that their brand is worthless... It might be a time off because of the lack of competition, but branding a music site after a telco isn't the brightest of things to do...
R10 a song...I give up. nothing to be seen here, move on.
Perfect - I go to their stupid site and the first thing it does is consume BW with a music video, which, to add insult to injury, plays jerkily.

go Telkom! Highlight your **** from the get go.
Perfect - I go to their stupid site and the first thing it does is consume BW with a music video, which, to add insult to injury, plays jerkily.

go Telkom! Highlight your **** from the get go.

The site even starts streaming when u load it...good ploy to drain our expensive bandwidth.

I found that really amusing as well. :)

Anyway, @R10 per track... get real.
mininova[dot]org and rather donate the R100 odd to charity if you feel like spending money. :)
Site's IP is in a Verizon-owned range. Strange???
No Firefox + Linux support?
For R10 per track I expect nothing less than Ogg Vorbis files.
Online music efforts like this should not charge more than R3 per song IMO.
:rolleyes: I bet Telkodemonopolies just trawls through the files on its transparent International-Proxy servers looking for .mp3 extensions <correction>.wma it seems</correction>, I wonder if the companies that Telkodemonopolies has allegedly recently signed contracts with, have actually signed DRM contracts with Telkodemonopolies - it's not like Telkodemonopolies cares about laws and breaking copyrights etc...

Telkodemonopolies won't even be the last place I go to buy music online - I hope I'm not the only one not wanting to support this monopolistic beast.
Telkom will sell anything to make more money. Even your mother ;)
I guess Telkodemonopolies knows that no one wants to buy its mother - Ivy the ministerial bovinity :D.
There will come a time when Telkom will realise that their brand is worthless... It might be a time off because of the lack of competition, but branding a music site after a telco isn't the brightest of things to do...
I think we should keep quiet about that - wouldn't want anyone at Telkodemonopolies to figure out why their music site is going to do really badly :).
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