Takealot powerstation Return / DPD Laser Courier nightmare


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2010
Hi guys, so not sure whether I just want to rant, give warning or ask for advice with this.

So I had a portable power station die on me 29 Feb, bought on Takealot about a year ago - So general procedure made sense: falls within 24month manufacturer's warranty so it got sent back for repairs - cool.

Got picked up, took a while to reach the repair center (wherever it is) and feedback from Takealot was that the mainboard of the thing had to be replaced - all good, repair is done and I got the tracking into from DPD laser yesterday (19 March). But strangely, on Takealot it listed the return as Cancelled, then Concluded on 18 March...I wouldve thought it's only concluded once I received the unit. The same way it gets logged when picked up.

Anyway, so this morning (20 March) I checked the tracking from DPD and they say they couldn't deliver the item because it's broken (!?) First of all, how would they know the thing inside the box (which I would assume is very well packed with all the original cushioning from original packaging) is broken, unless they drove over it or actually dropped it an opened the thing and then decided it's broken.

I email Takealot, they said they will escalate....didnt hear anything again since 9am. I call the Courier again this afternoon and they said Takealot will request an Incident report - again no timeline, no nothing.

So as of tomorrow it is 21days since I logged the return and according to Takealot "It could take a few weeks for the supplier to review your claim. However, after 21 days from the date you logged your return, we'll be in touch to offer a credit/refund should you not want to wait for a repair/replacement from the supplier"

So since they "Concluded" the return on the 18th even though nothing was at all concluded or fixed or delivered, they will say they did their job - no refund available. I won't be surprised in the slightest if someone just stole the bloody thing in transit. So now I sit with nothing, no recourse and no idea whether I will just be sent on a circle jerk between a useless Courier and a bunch of Takealot customer service reps with no power to actually fix the situation.

Has this happened to any of you guys? Any idea what I could do to actually get to the bottom of this nonsense because I literally sit with f-all to help during loadshedding and out of pocket - not even a buggy repaired power station to try out.

Nope, never had something this bad.

I've had a Power over Ethernet hub that I've sent back twice because one of the POE ports kept dying. First time they replaced it. Second time they repaired it. Both times took a while but was always concluded. Now out of warranty.

I've also had a Logitech keyboard fail (the backspace key had the little bracket underneath the key break off) after a couple of months. Takealot just refunded me that one - which actually kinda sucked because I bought it on special originally and couldn't replace it at the same cost. Had to pay in a couple of R100. That being said, by buying a new one at least I got a new 24 month warranty.
Hi guys, so not sure whether I just want to rant, give warning or ask for advice with this.

So I had a portable power station die on me 29 Feb, bought on Takealot about a year ago - So general procedure made sense: falls within 24month manufacturer's warranty so it got sent back for repairs - cool.

Got picked up, took a while to reach the repair center (wherever it is) and feedback from Takealot was that the mainboard of the thing had to be replaced - all good, repair is done and I got the tracking into from DPD laser yesterday (19 March). But strangely, on Takealot it listed the return as Cancelled, then Concluded on 18 March...I wouldve thought it's only concluded once I received the unit. The same way it gets logged when picked up.

Anyway, so this morning (20 March) I checked the tracking from DPD and they say they couldn't deliver the item because it's broken (!?) First of all, how would they know the thing inside the box (which I would assume is very well packed with all the original cushioning from original packaging) is broken, unless they drove over it or actually dropped it an opened the thing and then decided it's broken.

I email Takealot, they said they will escalate....didnt hear anything again since 9am. I call the Courier again this afternoon and they said Takealot will request an Incident report - again no timeline, no nothing.

So as of tomorrow it is 21days since I logged the return and according to Takealot "It could take a few weeks for the supplier to review your claim. However, after 21 days from the date you logged your return, we'll be in touch to offer a credit/refund should you not want to wait for a repair/replacement from the supplier"

So since they "Concluded" the return on the 18th even though nothing was at all concluded or fixed or delivered, they will say they did their job - no refund available. I won't be surprised in the slightest if someone just stole the bloody thing in transit. So now I sit with nothing, no recourse and no idea whether I will just be sent on a circle jerk between a useless Courier and a bunch of Takealot customer service reps with no power to actually fix the situation.

Has this happened to any of you guys? Any idea what I could do to actually get to the bottom of this nonsense because I literally sit with f-all to help during loadshedding and out of pocket - not even a buggy repaired power station to try out.

Well your recourse is simple, you have everything pretty well documented, I would contact them one final time and if they fail to do so in a timely manner I'd advise you to contact the consumer ombudsman they'd be able to assist you
They will sadly take upto 30-45 days at OP.
Had a similar situation, was told it can take around the timeline above. Keep everything documented and rather email them using the Return REF. Call when you haven't gotten a response in 2 days but ask agent to email you back the details