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  • Hi. I just want to know who I can contact to get a cell tower on my property pls. I have now contacted so many numbers and all tell me they will get back to me. Please help?
    R 50 000 rental perhaps for 13 units of income for MTN , Vodacom , etc about R 3000 a unit plus security and camera's building infrastructure electricity rates taxes staff doesnt seem unfair .. does it , If we all regulate the price as renters we will get our fair share of the billions the Cell companies make.
    @Badkarma_za I am not sure what peace pipe you are smoking but if you are expecting R50 000 per month for a rooftop installation you can carry on dreaming. Not even going to engage with you. good luck.
    takes too long to "clean up" what exactly needed cleaning up? I made sure i posted pics that were in the rules always. so irritating!
    The Guy Pixxx thread getting locked reminds me exactly why I hate these forums.
    Hello there my beer informing buddy lol, how you doing?

    Thought i'd put some cuddlies on your visitor messages so here goes:


    And lotsa love and ☼:)
    Haha :p I'm such an architecture nut. But yeah, I might go for journalism. I'm confused at the moment as to what to do :p
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