Windows Notepad is getting spellcheck and autocorrect

With the introduction of the Windows 11 version 11.2402.18.0 update, Notepad will have a spellcheck and an autocorrect feature.

Microsoft is making Notepad increasingly similar to Apple’s TextEdit, which is bundled with MacOS and its own WordPad app.

Like fully-featured word processors such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs, Notepad will underline misspelt words in red.

The company has previously said it plans to remove WordPad from Windows in a future update.

“To fix a spelling mistake, click, tap, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10 on the misspelt word to see suggested spellings,” David Grochocki, Microsoft’s Principal Programme Manager for Inbox Apps, wrote in a blog post about the update.

You will then be able to update a word by selecting a suggestion.

If Notepad identifies a spelling error you deem correct, you can ignore the suggestion or add the word to your dictionary.

This feature will only be enabled for specific file types, and Notepad will support languages other than English.

You can access this function in the Notepad app settings and change it globally, or temporarily for a single session.

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Windows Notepad is getting spellcheck and autocorrect